Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day

Izzy enjoyed a great St. Patrick's Day party at the children's hospital.

Here she is attacking a leprechaun lawn gnome with a green hula-hoop.
Her labs (results of tests run on her blood every 6 hours) came back really positive again. The chemo has been very effective at lowering the affected cell counts. However, this also lowers some of her good cell counts like the red blood cells that carry oxygen to the body. If you look closely at the first picture, you can see that her line is red, and that is because they had to give her a blood transfusion today (common in children receiving chemo).

She will also likely need a platelet transfusion tomorrow before leaving the hospital. Platelets are the cells in your blood that clot when you are cut. This has been the cause of one of the first side effects we have seen in her which is called Petikia. They are little red spots that appear on her body like freckles that are essentially small bruises because her blood isn't clotting. Again this is a normal side effect for a child on chemotherapy.

Izzy, Lorin and I had a fun time after the St. Patty's party running down one of the halls from the magic doors (doors that automatically open when you get close). Izzy said, "They must have scary ghosts in them." After which she and Lorin pretended to be T-rexes and proceeded to scare the ghosts out of the doors.


Audrey said...

I love Izzy's outfit for St. Patrick's Day! Those are such cool boots.

Kelli said...

I think we wonder how things are going about every minute of every day. I check this site probably 20 times a day, just to make sure you haven't written anything new and also to see what new comments there are. Cory, I love how you put it -- I can actually picture it in my mind as I'm reading (crying and laughing at the same time). We LOVE You Guys So Much!!!! And I Love Izzy's boots a Ton!

monniaux family said...

thanks for sharing with us those moments, it s good to read that the results come back positive
i agree the others.. izzy you are just too cute with your boots!