Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dad Holding Down the Fort

Kerri has been in Idaho for the first few days of this week for her Grandfather's funeral. Kerri was worried that I wouldn't be able to handle Izzy and Lorin for a few days so my Mom came out to help. Kerri was right. :) I would have been in trouble.

We took Izzy in for her blood draw today. Having her port and numbing cream have greatly eased the process but memories die hard, and she still has a bit of a tough time. The cancer clinic has a fantastic Child & Family Services group who do a great job of helping them through the routine. Below is Izzy with Kim--one of the Child Services reps.

Izzy is getting more and more swollen in her face and belly from the steroids--a predicted side effect that goes away when she gets off of the steroids in the next few weeks. Someone gave us some great advice that children take their cues on how to react to the side effects from their parents, so we have been trying to put positive spins on all of the side effects we are seeing. In that vein, Izzy loves rubbing and smacking her Buddha-like belly for us. She and Lorin had a great time trying on some stylish hair do's from their aunts.


Summer said...

We are sooo happy for your news!!!
With love and continued prayers.

Nicole said...

Child life is always a life saver! I'm so happy people are good at that job as I'm sure Izzy is. I'm so happy for the good news! I'll keep praying for you guys!


Michele Hill said...

Kerri, I'm soooooo glad that we got to see you and Izzy and Lorrin yesterday. I really enjoyed our conversation yesterday....so did Kelsey. Don't worry about Izzy not wanting to get a picture with Kelsey, when she feels better, then we'll do it. Hope we see you all again real soon. Say hello to Cory and the girls for us. Take care!


Michele Hill said...

Kerri, I'm soooooo glad that we got to see you and Izzy and Lorrin yesterday. I really enjoyed our conversation yesterday....so did Kelsey. Don't worry about Izzy not wanting to get a picture with Kelsey, when she feels better, then we'll do it. Hope we see you all again real soon. Say hello to Cory and the girls for us. Take care!


Michele Hill said...

oops. sorry, i sent it twice.

J-Lo said...

Those little hair bands sure beat what we used to use to pretend we had long hair...a pair of pantyhose turned upside down and stuck on our heads! It was like having two long ponytails:)
Love tons,