Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another Cancer Center Day Down

The Cancer Center has become a happy place for Izzy. She particularly loves to see Jessica (picture), a Childlife Specialist, who has been known to tell knock-knock jokes with Izzy for 2 hours straight if that's what she wants. Back in March I thought she would never become one of those kids playing happily between infusions of Methotrexate and Vincristine, but she has and it is so refreshing to see. It makes cancer days doable.

On a solemn note, one of our cancer friends, 5-year-old Gavin, spent his last day at the cancer center. He has had 3 bone marrow transplants, and they are not working. So "team Gavin" (his main nurses and doctors from the last four years all have a team shirt) sent him home with a hug and a smile but unfortunately not much hope for him to live out the month. We are constantly reminded of how wonderful Izzy's prognosis is, not to mention how great she's doing now. But we wish the reminders didn't come at the despair of others sometimes.

Her shots are almost tear-free now which is amazing. Her counts are staying high enough to continue. She's loving to swim, ride bikes, and play with the sisters. And riding Daddy like a horse is at the top of her list right now--it's great to have him home again :)


Carol and Tyler said...

We love you guys and will be praying for Gavin's family to find peace in their situation. You are amazing! We Love you all!

J-Lo said...

Together again. What a wonderful thing! Thank you for the blog postings. We love you!

Katie said...

Mike is going through withdrawals this week not having Cory here, but we're glad your family is back together! I think it will be good for Mike to take some vacation . . . . Have a great month together before school starts!

Leanne said...

It is so great to hear that Izzy is starting to handle the shots. It just about brings tears to my eyes to think that a 3 year old is getting use to having 2 shots a day. I think about you guys all the time checking for updates and pray that it is only a good news update. You have strength and courage that most families do not. Just remember to always keep smiles going and to keep on truckin. Sounds as if all is well. Call me so we can set up a date, before school starts. Only sending beautiful thoughts and pain free pokes. Leanne

Sara said...

I am so glad that you guys are together and that things are going well. We think of you all the time and can't wait to get back to play soon - kids and parents!


Jessica said...

Hi Izzy and Family,
I just love all of the pictures that you have on your blog.... especially the first one :)

Remember that this week is our "beach party" so come to clinic dressed up... we all are!

See you Friday!
Your friend,
Jessica, Child Life

Megan Maynor said...

We're so glad you're all together again...what a blessing to have helpers at the Cancer Center that can really make it so much better for the kids to be there. That's wonderful. Can't wait to see Izzy and the rest of the Costley Clan soon.

Megan, Jeremy, Chloe, Emmett and Willa

Susan Hollister Petit said...

Nan Mastie passed on your website to me. My daugther, Belle is going through weekly chemo treatments due to a brain tumor! We love the care at the Cancer Center and especially Jessica! The picture of the Izzy and Jessica together is so cute! I hope Izzy continues to improve! check out Belle's web site at
