Sunday, October 28, 2007


Izzy has done an amazing job recovering from steroids and fevers. Fittingly, she wants to be Super-girl for Halloween and her cute Daddy paid handsomely for the costume (jk, it wasn't too bad :). Stay tuned for after-Halloween shots of that.
For now here is a cute one of her deflating (from the steroids) and feeling better. ***I should have started this long ago, but better late than game: FIND THE HIDDEN CRAZY STUFF LORIN IS DOING IN THIS PICTURE***

Her counts are still very low however, and as a result any little wound is having a hard time healing. Here is a picture of her thumb which, ironically enough, was hurt by a hospital bed. After almost 2 weeks and lots of bandaids, it looks nastier than ever.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Yikes on the finger! You guys are tough as nails. Super-girl for sure!