Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hamsters and Bikes

Izzy had a great time celebrating her sister Lorin's sixth birthday today. As part of the festivities, Izzy spent some quality time playing at the park and riding her new hand-me-down bike from Lorin because Lorin got a new one today. And by some crazy alignment of the stars Izzy and Lorin talked us in to buying a couple of dwarf hamsters. The girls are loving them, and I made sure that when they get tired of them in a couple of weeks we can take them back to the store. :) You can see hamster and bike pictures at the end of the post.

In another vein, we have met a great family, the Hill family, during our visits to the hospital. Kelsey Hill is 18 and had lymphoma, but is now cancer free. It has been extremely enlightening to go back and read her blog to get the perspective of someone going through chemo since Izzy isn't old enough to fully describe how she feels. If you are interested in getting Kelsey's perspective you can find her blog at You will need to create an account for privacy and security reasons and then on the left of the account page click "visit page" and search for "kelseyhill".

1 comment:

tiffany said...

Hamsters?!? I thought your experience with Mr. Sqeeks would have kept that from happening:)
We are glad you are enjoying them! We love you!